Open road to healing and rejuvenation
This picture is from a road trip I took a little while ago.
The feeling I get from looking at it reminds me of so many things in Shamanism.
In this case I am thinking of an open road we can have to our healing and rejuvenation process, if we allow it. In most cases it really is about allowing the process to happen, however, most people stay in fear mode and sabotage the process.
The phenomenon of “energy healing” isn’t given enough thought nor acceptance. I can kinda understand why. The spiritual movement is filled with all types of crazy people and fakes trying to make a name for themselves and get rich in the process and unfortunately there are more of these people practicing their “healing” skills than there are real and effective people.
There are good people out there who can be very helpful. You just have to look for them.
I think the best way to find them is through personal references so I will take this opportunity to refer two people who I have work on me. Orsolya Karolina Rozsi, a Shaman living in Cluj Napoca, Romania and Eli Glezvalle, a Shamanic High Priestess living in Dusseldorf Germany. I know both of them very well personally. I was involved with most of their training so I know their training history and how effective they have been in their work with people.
The conscious mind and our emotions can affect the sub atomic world. This isn’t new age theory. This is proven science. Sounds great, doesn’t it? All anyone would need is a practitioner who could be in a good emotional state for a effective healing session. While this sounds so easy it is here that lies the difficulty since so many practitioners are graduates of brief courses who haven’t done very complete work on themselves and therefore cannot provide the mental and emotional state required to be effective in a high level case, i.e. terminal illness.
Real Shamanism is quite different. Apprentices go through a very deep personal process before and during their energy healing training before they are allowed to work on people. Both of the women I mentioned have been through those processes and have also studied scientific material to help them understand their work on a level unknown to most energy healers who attended those brief courses. Practitioners that I endorse have proper training.
Proper training is important to be effective in anything. I have never met a psychic healer, medical intuitive, instant Shaman, whatever, that didn’t have extensive training and was truly successful in their alleged art.
The training needs to be from someone who has proven their efficiency. not someone who passed a course and became a teacher. In any healing circle where I am one of the practitioners, I can assure the visitors that the other practitioners are properly trained, tested and proven themselves effective or they would not be there in that capacity.
Today is February 4th, 2020. I will be in Dusseldorf Germany until the 17th then I return to Cluj. Contact Eli for appointments and information about activities here in Dusseldorf Germany. Contact Orsolya for appointments in Cluj Napoca, Romania. I return to the States in March but these two women will be in Europe and available for appointments.
I hope you will allow yourself to travel that open road to healing and rejuvenation with people who can help you get to where you want to be.
Shaman Hawk