Maintaining resonance
Everything in life has vibrations or some kind of movement.
Everything is a mass of moving atoms interacting with everything in life.
The difference between us and most things is we can decide how we want to resonate within ourselves and our environment. Although physicists are giving more thought to the possibility that the atomic world has consciousness.
People will meditate, go to spiritual retreats or just go out in nature to change their personal resonance. It’s nice to do that but they have a tendency to go back to the same emotional vibration they normally have. The speed of that regression can be dictated by their environment, mental and spiritual condition, personal will and discipline.
I’ve hosted many Sweat Lodges, drum circles, healing circles and other ceremonial events to help people change their resonance and perspective of life. I do this to help people have inner peace, something I would call a preferable resonance. After these ceremonies we will talk as groups or individually about their experience and change of perspective. They usually see great difference in who they feel as their “real self” and the person they evolved to be to function in everyday life. They have big plans of how they are going to change their life....then time passes and they go back into the same behavioral habits they had before they came to see me and not happy with their life. This is a normal process but it doesn’t have to be this way.
People will resonate differently after these ceremonies and enjoy this new resonance. They return to do more of the ceremonies they like to help keep that resonance and continue the positive effects it has on their life. I appreciate the return visits but I want to people to understand that it is your choice to allow yourself to maintain the resonance you get after the ceremonies. You remember how you felt after the ceremony and you allow the sensations of that experience to reinstate the positive effects on you. We do the same process with many other memories and desires everyday. The woman in this picture is my girlfriend Orsolya. I remember what it’s like to be holding her and my body responds nicely to the resonance of that memory.
We choose how we want to feel and respond to everything in life.
We can choose to have a constant, calm resonance.
We can choose to hold that resonance and then rise to the next level to allow ourselves to integrate with higher knowledge and enjoy the skills and benefits of that higher level.
Make the choice to maintain that resonance then make the choice to have the discipline to maintain it.